Periodontal care is very important, and does not always get the attention it requires. Our
Great Neck laser dentist, Alan S. Kuznick DMD, pays close mind to your gums as well as your teeth. And with the help of laser technology, you can look forward to more effective results, and various other benefits that make the experience better and the effects both now and in the future more beneficial.
For many people, gums are not given much thought beyond the daily maintenance of brushing and flossing. It's dental plaque, the bacterial film that grows on teeth and at the gum line, that causes gum problems. The first stage of gum disease is gingivitis, and it is associated with redness and irritation. That isn't ideal, but can be easily reversed with a simple teeth cleaning. Advanced gum disease, however, can bring with it more alarming signs, among which are receding gums, bleeding while brushing, and persistent bad breath. Inflammation and infection may lead to loss of gum and bone tissue, and loose teeth. Recurring gum disease could be due to overly deep gum pockets, which act as a safe haven for plaque and hardened tartar. Periodontal surgery done in a traditional manner is an effective, safe, and successful procedure, but when the advancements of lasers are added, there is greater precision and accuracy, not to mention a more gentle process. Only the tissue that needs to be addressed is affected thanks to our Great Neck laser dentist. Most patients note that there is minimal discomfort, little to no bleeding, and faster healing. All of those are outcomes that are greatly desirable, and make the experience one you will be more at ease and relaxed with.
To schedule an appointment for a consultation and examination with our
Great Neck laser dentist, please contact our office so that we can set up an appropriate time for you.
By Alan S. Kuznick, DMD
September 26, 2018
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