Great Neck dentist
Sinus augmentation is the bridge between not being able to get a dental implant, and getting to enjoy the experience of a full smile that is completed with a replacement that looks, feels, and performs as a real tooth does. Our
Great Neck dentist, Alan S. Kuznick DMD, performs this essential procedure right here at our office.
What exactly is sinus augmentation and why would you need to have it done? Dental implants stand out from other tooth replacements because they have a root portion as well as a tooth. That root is a titanium post that goes under the gum line and into your jaw. For an upper tooth, the post is anchored in your sinus wall, so it is crucial that it is strong and thick so that the tissue will grow around the post and fuse with it, creating a strong and durable bond that is the ideal foundation for your implant. Our Great Neck dentist conducts an examination and testing to find out if your sinus wall meets the necessary standard. If not, you will be a good candidate for sinus augmentation. Bone tissue is taken from another part of your body (or obtained from a donor bank) and then transplanted into your sinus wall. Over the next few months, new bone tissue grows around the transplanted bone, leading to stronger and thicker structure. It is then that you can confidently take advantage of an implant, which with proper care can last you a lifetime. So any effort you put in to ensure that you are qualified to get one is well worth it.
Schedule an appointment to come in for a consultation and examination with our
Great Neck dentist. Find out if you need sinus augmentation. You'll be so glad you took that first step.
By Alan S. Kuznick, DMD
June 21, 2018
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